Workshops & Training

Workshops and Training Sessions Tailored to Your Audiences Whatever your group or program wishes to work on……..

Some topics that can be presented in a variety of formats include:

Strengths Training & Programs

For use in teams, leadership development, professional development, group dynamics, and development of individual and group strengths.

Job Search

Topics and Programs include:

  • writing resumes and cover letters,

  • crafting effective messaging in emails and correspondence,

  • networking and communications,

  • interviewing skills and preparation,

  • learning effective job search techniques,

  • developing a professional Linkedin profile and using it in your job search.

Career Development

Topics and Programs include:

  • exploring career and professional options,

  • planning career options and pathways setting career and professional goals,

  • exploring and articulating goals, values, interests and options,

  • exploring vocation and calling,

  • defining success and more.